01Benefits of learning somersaults

  • Somersaults can improve your coordination and body awareness.
  • They strengthen your core and abdominal muscles.
  • Somersaults are a great way to build confidence and overcome fear.
  • They can be a fun and impressive skill to show off to your friends!

02Preparation and warm-up

  • Find a soft and safe area to practice your somersaults, such as a gym mat or grassy area.
  • Do some light stretching to warm up your muscles and prevent injuries.
  • Practice basic body movements like rolling, tucking, and rolling forward to familiarize yourself with the motions.
  • Always have a spotter or coach nearby for safety.

03Step-by-step guide

  • Start by squatting down with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Tuck your chin to your chest and keep your eyes on the ground.
  • Quickly push off with your feet and propel your body forward.
  • As your feet leave the ground, bring your knees to your chest and reach for your shins with your hands.
  • Keep your body tight and tucked as you rotate in mid-air.
  • Extend your legs and kick them out as you prepare to land.
  • Land on the balls of your feet, knees slightly bent, and roll forward to absorb the impact.

04Common mistakes to avoid

  • Not tucking your chin can lead to neck injuries.
  • Jumping too high or too far can make it difficult to complete the rotation.
  • Failing to maintain a tight and tucked body position can result in less control.
  • Not bending your knees upon landing can cause joint discomfort.
  • Attempting somersaults on hard or uneven surfaces increases the risk of injury.


With practice and proper technique, anyone can learn how to do a somersault! Remember to start with the basics, warm up properly, and always prioritize safety. Before you know it, you'll be flipping through the air with confidence!

BenefitsImprove coordination, strengthen core, build confidence
PreparationFind a safe area, warm up, practice basic movements
Step-by-stepSquat, tuck, push off, rotate, extend legs, land
Common mistakesNot tucking chin, jumping too far, improper body position